Funds in Gabriel

Standards, Inactive Funds, and Attributes

Fund Names With a Year in the Name
We no longer have to remember to create a new fund because it is January 1st or July 1st. Placing the current year, fiscal year, or school year in the Fund ...
Wed, 30 Nov, 2022 at 1:22 PM
Making Funds Inactivate
January 1, 2021 Funds that are no longer receiving contributions should be marked Inactive in Gabriel. Marking them Inactive only moves the fund from th...
Wed, 30 Nov, 2022 at 1:23 PM
Renaming Funds
You can rename your funds in Gabriel and retain all the family history for the fund. If you plan to rename the fund to the same fund name of one that alread...
Wed, 30 Nov, 2022 at 1:18 PM
Funds to be Made Inactive
Making a fund Inactive moves the fund from the Active tab to the Inactive tab in Fund Maintenance.  All history for the fund is retained. Before creating a ...
Tue, 20 Apr, 2021 at 5:01 AM
Fund Attributes
Gabriel allows attributes to be assigned to any fund created at the Parish. The Curia is going to use this feature to assign attributes to your Active funds...
Wed, 30 Nov, 2022 at 1:29 PM