See for PRM Notes - Entry & Reports (Parishioner Relationship Mgmt) for a general resource 

on entering PRM notes and the available reports. A brief video tutorial from GabrielSoft is also available here.

A video on Recording PRM Notes for Death Registry and Deceased Info can be found here

At the end of this resource is a link to the Sacramental Registry Handbook for the Diocese of Green Bay for Death Registry recording and more general Death Registry information. 


Beginning May 2023 - the Funeral Tab is where all Death Register Funerals and Prayer Services are to be recorded in GabrielSoft. 

Click here for Instructions on entering Funerals/Prayer Services in Gabriel

  • Deceased Information is used to record other death information where no Funeral Mass or Prayer Service was held nor recorded in your parish's Death Register. See an example below.
  • Also record the Date of Death in the Member Miscellaneous tab and change the Member Status to Deceased, if the family is comprised of only the deceased member, Make the Family Status Deceased and in the Churches Tab, unregister them.

The Basics about the Death Registry:

  1. If the funeral was held in your church, or the prayer service was handled by your clergy in a funeral home or somewhere that is not another Catholic church, 
    1. You record the funeral in your parish’s Death Registry book.  
    2. In Gabriel, you record the date of death for the person and change their member status to deceased.
    3. In Gabriel record the Mass/Service in the Funeral Tab
    4. If everyone in the family is also deceased, you change the Family status to Deceased.
    5. Once the family is set to deceased, click the church tab and unregister the family.
  2. If the deceased person is not your parishioner – you still record it in your Death Registry if it meets the criteria in #1 above, and follow steps 1a-1e.
    1. If the non-parishioner is found in Gabriel in another parish – then pull that person’s family into your parish as “sacrament only”
    2. If the non-parishioner cannot be found in Gabriel with a Family search nor a Member search – create a new family with as much info as you have about them.
    3. Follow the same steps in 1a-1e.
  3. If your parishioner dies and your parish does not handle the funeral or prayer service. You do not record the death in the registry.
    1. In Gabriel, you record the date of death for the person and change their member status to deceased.
    2. In Gabriel you can “optionally” record a PRM “deceased information” note with whatever information you have, possibly taken from an obituary.
    3. If everyone in the family is also deceased, you change the Family status to Deceased.
    4. And once the family is deceased, go to the Churches tab and unregister the family.

Deceased Information Notes

Sample of Deceased Info Notes

The date of the note is the date the parish was informed of the death. The note is from the information the family provided and the Obituary. This would not have been recorded in the registry. This is the non-Catholic, non-member spouse of a parishioner.


PRM Notes Reports in Report Library

Three reports are available for displaying PRM Notes so that they're easy to read. Find these reports by going to Reports > Report Library then scrolling down to the PRM Notes section. You can download these reports as a PDF, Microsoft Excel file, or Microsoft Word doc.

PRM Notes Report

This report displays Family and Member PRM Notes for a note date range, entry date range, and selected note type(s) Deceased Information. It is sorted in Descending order based on modified date (most recent on top). You can select one note type, several types (CTRL+Click) or all types (CTRL+a).

PRM Notes for Family Report

This report displays Family and Member PRM Notes for a note date range, entry date range, and selected note type(s) such as Meetings and/or Note for the selected family(s). It is sorted in Descending order based on the modified date (most recent on top). You should be able to select one family, several families (CTRL+Click) or All families (CTRL+a). You can select one note type, several types, or all types in the same fashion.

PRM Notes with Follow Ups

This report displays Family and Member PRM Notes for a note date range, entry date range, follow up date range, and selected note type(s) such as Deceased Information. If there are no “follow up” dates used in the notes – enter the same date range as Enter Note date or Entry Date. It is sorted in Descending order based on modified date (most recent on top). The same options apply in selecting one, many or all note types.

  • The Enter Note Date is the date you enter in the “Contacted on” field with the Calendar icon. 
  • Entry Date is the date the Gabriel database captures when you enter a note. 
  • The Follow-up date is the date you enter in the “Follow-up On” field using the pop-up calendar.

For example, if I enter a note into Gabriel on 6/2/22 for a meeting that took place on 5/20/22, the Entry date is 6/2/22. The Enter Note Date is 5/20/22. 

Sacramental Registry Handbook: Required Data for the Death Register.

Click here for Sacramental Registry Handbook for the Diocese of Green Bay (as found at under Mission Teams, Office the Canonical Services, Diocesan Policies and Decrees.


Excerpt from the Green Bay Diocese Sacramental Register Handbook on recording in the Death Register, page 21. This information should be recorded in Gabriel as well, and any other pertinent information that you have.



General guidelines from 2020.


  • Rule of thumb: Record the funeral where the funeral takes place:  If the funeral occurs in your Parish record it.
  • If there is not a funeral, but there is a burial rite or prayer service at a funeral home or in a cemetery and your priest/clergy participates as the main celebrant, record it in your parish as a funeral with notations. This applies to registered and non-registered parishioners, Catholics or non-Catholics. 
  • If your priest/clergy celebrates or concelebrates a funeral in another parish, do not record in your parish.  The funeral is recorded at the parish where it takes place. 


  • If a registered parishioner dies, and no funeral or prayer service is held, record this in Gabriel as a Deceased Information type PRM note, enter their date of death, make the member deceased, and if the entire family is deceased, make them unregistered.