PRM is essentially a place to make a note on a member (at the member level) or for a family (at the family level).  At the family level the note is viewable for all family members. If you make the note "private" it puts the ! in red next to it, only administrators can see those notes. Many parishes use PRM to note pastoral visits, service to the parish, talents, contact by the Pastor, etc.

At the end of this resource is a brief video tutorial on entering PRM notes.

Also you will find a link to the Sacramental Registry Handbook for the Diocese of Green Bay for Death Registry info. 

Beginning July 1, 2022, information recorded in the Death Register will be recorded in PRM notes for the Member. See the specific examples for using Death Register and Deceased Information after the general instructions for entering PRM notes

  • Death Register is used to record Funerals/Prayer Services that are recorded in the Death Register book. See an example below.
  • Deceased Information is used to record other death information where no Funeral Mass or Prayer Service was held nor recorded in the Death Register. See an example below.

Samples of PRM Notes: 

This sample from the Family PRM notes. The 11/1 note was entered as a Service to Parish note. The 4/5/21 is an auto-populated note that occurs when someone is deleted from a committee and records the start and end date if they have been entered. The "Red circle !" by the 11/1 note indicates it is a "private" note and can only be viewed by a Church Administrator. Anyone can enter a "private" note.

This is a sample of the Member Level PRM notes.

Add a family note or a member note from either the Member level or the Family Level.

To create a note click "new note" from the PRM tab from the Family record or from the Member record. 

Choose the note type from the drop down list and enter or select the date (from the pop up calendar) of the note or let it default to today.

Chose the member or "family note" from the drop down list. If entering the note from the Family Record, the note defaults to "Family Note." If entering the note from the Member Record, note defaults to the member name. 

Type in the brief note, if private check private (it can be seen by administrators only). If follow up is needed select the date for follow up. Save. 

Death Register Notes and Deceased Information Notes

Click this link to go to the complete resource for entering Death Register Notes and Deceased Information.

Sample of Death Register Notes 

The date of the note is the date of the Funeral or Prayer Service. The note includes much of the information that would be in the Death Register. 

Sample of Deceased Info Notes

The date of the note is the date the parish was informed of the death. The note is from the information the family provided and the Obituary. This would not have been recorded in the registry. This is the non-Catholic, non-member spouse of a parishioner.

PRM Notes Reports

Three  reports are available for displaying PRM Notes so that they're easy to read. Find these reports by going to Reports > Report Library then scrolling down to the PRM Notes section. You can download these reports as a PDF, Microsoft Excel file, or Microsoft Word doc.

PRM Notes for Family Report

This report displays Family and Member PRM Notes for a note date range, entry date range, and selected note type(s) such as Meetings and/or Note for the selected family(s). It is sorted in Descending order based on the modified date (most recent on top). You are able to select one family, several families (CTRL+Click) or All families (CTRL+a). You can select one note type, several types, or all types in the same fashion.

PRM Notes Report

This report displays Family and Member PRM Notes for a note date range, entry date range, and selected note type(s) such Death Registry and/or Deceased Information. It is sorted in Descending order based on modified date (most recent on top). You can select one note type, several types (CTRL+Click) or all types (CTRL+a).

The PRM Notes Report will be used to count Deaths for the purpose of the Annual Parish Report submitted to the Chancery each year. Once all Deaths (Funerals/Prayer Services) are recorded in Gabriel, use this report to confirm that your Death Register book matches the Death Registry PRM notes.  

PRM Notes with Follow Ups

This report displays Family and Member PRM Notes for a note date range, entry date range, follow up date range, and selected note type(s) such as RECONTACT and/or MEETING. If there are no “follow up” dates used in the notes – enter the same date range as Enter Note date or Entry Date. It is sorted in Descending order based on modified date (most recent on top). The same options apply in selecting one, many or all note types.

  • The Enter Note Date is the date you enter in the “Contacted on” field with the Calendar icon. 
  • Entry Date is the date the Gabriel database captures when you enter a note. 
  • The Follow-up date is the date you enter in the “Follow-up On” field using the pop-up calendar.

For example, if I enter a note into Gabriel on 6/2/22 for a meeting that took place on 5/20/22, the Entry date is 6/2/22. The Enter Note Date is 5/20/22. 

Click here for the short PRM Tutorial (also found in the Gabriel Help found on every Gabriel screen.

Click here for Sacramental Registry Handbook for the Diocese of Green Bay (as found at under Mission Teams, Office the Canonical Services, Diocesan Policies and Decrees.