Click below: How to Guide to creating a Mass schedule in Scheduling in preparation for entering Mass Counts. This document is for setting up a schedule of Masses for weekend Masses. Setting up holy day Masses is optional.
Click below: How to Guide to entering weekend Mass Counts into your Mass Schedule.
This document walks you thru the step to enter Mass counts into each of the Masses on the schedule.
Because The Compass Diocese Office is using your Mass Schedule for updating the Compass, On Mission, and the Diocesan website - Please create a Mass schedule for each Easter Mass (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, (Easter Monday, Ash Wednesday optional). Also create a Mass Schedule for Christmas Masses (Solemnity of Mary is optional).
As these Mass dates pass, please set them to inactive until the next year when you update the days of the week, and the schedule names (i.e. St Peregrine, Easter Vigil, 3/30/24, Sat/9:00pm) to indicate the correct info for the current year. The Compass will post a notice in the Parish Pages as to publication date and instructions for timeline for the special Mass times. They will also ask for Winter, Summer and Fall schedules.
All other Holy Day Masses can be entered with the regular weekend Mass count if it falls within a weekend and counts for the Regular Sunday Obligation. Or - one Holy Day Mass schedule can be used to record the non-Easter/Christmas Masses.
How to Create and Add to the Mass Schedule
To record Mass counts in Gabriel Software, the person entering the data must be a registered user of Gabriel, and have Service Manager security rights. The Church Administrator can assign the appropriate security rights.
To Set up Your Mass Schedule.
Click on Scheduling > Service Maintenance
Click + New Service.
Enter the Location of the Mass, Day of the Week and Time. Click Save.
**Note that Masses will appear on the list in the order they are entered and cannot be re-sorted. You may want to enter your Saturday masses first followed by your Sunday masses. ** Gabriel Support can re-sort them – just send [email protected] an email.
**At a Minimum, all parishes must have their weekend masses set up.**
Repeat Steps 2 & 3 for each Mass on your weekend scheduled.
Once complete, your Masses will be setup. From here on – you will enter your weekend counts into these Masses in your schedule. Each Mass count gets entered into it’s corresponding Mass time.
If you have Masses on your list that are no longer Active, mark them Inactive and Press Save.
Inactive Masses occur if you have alternating schedules such as the Door County Parishes. If a Mass becomes Active again, simply uncheck the Inactive box and Press Save.
How to Record Mass Counts (Attendance) on the Mass Schedule
Once you have your Parish Mass Schedule set up, there’s no need to change it unless a Mass becomes inactive or a new Mass is added. For a guide on adding Masses to your schedule see the How to Create and Add to the Mass Schedule guide. Below is a Sample Mass Schedule:
Generally you will enter one Count for the entire Mass in the corresponding Mass on the Schedule. If you are tracking different areas of the church (like the Nave, the Gathering Space and the Parking Lot Radio Mass) you can make several Count entries into a Mass using the “Area” field for a “Comment section”.
The date of the Mass corresponds to the Day of the Week/Time of the Mass. The Saturday 4:30 Mass count would be entered into the Saturday 4:30 Mass from the schedule, the Sunday 10:00 am Mass count would be entered into the Sunday 10:00 am Mass from the schedule, and so on. The Saturday Masses should have a Saturday date for the count, and Sunday Masses should have a Sunday date for the count.
To record the Mass count for a Mass, click Scheduling > Service Maintenance
Select View on the right side of the Mass
Click the Counts Tab, then Click +Add Service Attendance
Select the Date the Mass was on (the date should be the same day of the week as the Mass day – Saturday Date for Saturday Mass) , add Comments on the Mass in Area", number of people that were counted, and Press Save.
Here is an example of several Mass count entries.
Click the House Icon to return to the schedule to enter Counts into the rest of the Masses
Choose the next Mass from the schedule and repeat steps 5-9 until all Mass counts have been entered.
If you’d like to check your Mass count entries, you can pull a Report from the Report Library, Mass Count by Mass.