April 20, Pillar 2 Part 1 - Sacraments
Click here for the Webinar video recording
The Pillar 2 document for Sacraments and Marriages with specific instructions is attached below.
For official sacrament guidelines please reference the Sacramental Register Handbook found on the Diocesan website under the Mission Team of Canonical Services, Diocesan Policies. The Chancery and Archives are the primary contacts for the sacramental register. https://www.gbdioc.org/images/stories/Resource_Site/Canonical-Services/Documents/Sacramental-Register-Handbook_August-2010.pdf
The 6 Pillars (Standard Operating Policy for Parish GabrielSoft Usage in the Diocese of GB) can be found at this link. or as a document below.
Note 1: Baptisms, First Communions, Marriages, Funerals/Services are ALWAYS ENTERED BY THE SACRAMENT CHURCH - IN THE CHURCH REGISTER BOOK & ChMS WHERE THE SACRAMENT IS HELD. Religious Ed preparation for these sacrament (RE) has no bearing on which church enters these sacraments into the Register book or ChMS entries. You may make a cross reference unofficial note in the Register not to be counted for Parish Annual Report, and it must state the actual church location, but the actual Church location enters them officially in the Register & enters into ChMS.
Note 2: Confirmation is the only sacrament where the parish of registry is responsible to record the sacrament in their Confirmation Register and into ChMS, regardless of what parish hosted the Confirmation ceremony. Where the confirmand was prepared for the sacrament (RE) has no bearing on the Register book or ChMS entries, only the Parish of Registration handles that. The Parish of Registration is also responsible to send Certificates to Baptismal Parishes for the confirmands. (See attached document)
Note 3: in this video we discuss recording sacraments for Adult Baptism and Received into Full Communion (starting around minute 40:00). It is important to note that in the recipient of the sacraments have been baptized in another faith community, you do create a baptismal record for this person documenting the church and date of the non-Catholic baptism. You will need this to notate their confirmation record and future marriage. (See attached document)
See below for The Pillar 2 document of entry instructions.
Note 4: Receiving notification from another parish of a sacrament because you are the Baptismal Church requires you to enter the notations in the Baptismal Register only. The parish sending the notification enters it into ChMS. If you find your member record does not have the sacrament recorded in ChMS, inform the sacrament parish. If the sacrament was entered into a duplicate family record - inform the diocese (pyoung@gbdioc.org) who will help both parishes correct this entry error with a family merge.
Pillar Two: Sacraments
- Which comes first: The Sacramental Registry or ChMS Entries?
- How to enter sacraments into Gabriel for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage?
- What about “group” sacraments?
- What is the timeframe for entries both into the books and into ChMS?
May 18's webinar will be a continuation of Sacraments: Pillar 2
•Marriages (matrimony) sacrament entry
•What if the spouses in a marriage aren’t parishioners of your parish?
•How can the ChMS entries be monitored so they match the registers?