Click here for the recording of the June 23, 2022, webinar
See below for the Chat notes with links to documents on pertaining to the topics of completing the Parish Annual Report, and reports for Registered and Contributing family counts, checking your family status and registered status, sacrament and marriage reports and PRM notes reports for Death Registry info to count deaths/funerals
Also includes a brief update on the Committee Maintenance screen for Standard Committees and the correction to limit the parish view to only the members of their committees.
The Parish Annual Report asks for four pieces of information:
1. Parish Information: Parish Name, Email, Phone, etc.
2. Registered Families and Contributors
3. Sacraments (Baptisms, First Communion, Confirmation, Adult Initiation/RCIA and Marriage)
4. Death Register (we will use Death Registry PRM notes for the data)
We asked parishes to identify the reports to pull, the steps they'll take with those reports, and previewed the online submission forms.