Entering Contributions

Click on Fund Raising via the top navigation bar and select Fund Maintenance.
Open your desired fund from the Active funds by clicking on the Fund name, then select the Contributions tab. (For the Diocese of GB, Parish Support is the fund usually used for weekend Mass envelope contributions.)

You are now ready to enter your contribution information. 
  • Select a Contribution Date. The contribution date does not need to be the same for all contributions entered into the fund.
  • In the Family field enter the last name or budget number of a family record.  Select the correct family from the drop-down that appears.
  • In the Contributions Amount enter the dollar amount of the contribution. You do not need to enter $ or decimal points unless the contribution amount requires it.  For example: you only need to enter 10 for $10.00, and you can enter 10.5 for $10.50.  
  • If the contribution is Non-Deductible then check the Non-Deductible box. Contributions with this box checked will not be included in Annual Year-End Statements.
  • Enter the check number in the Reference field, or you can say it's a cash contribution. This can be left blank. Enter any comments that are meaningful to you and this entry if applicable.(to reveal the comments and reference section click the arrow in the save button and choose "show/hide comments")
Click Save once you have entered the contributions for the fund you chose. To continue, repeat the steps in Step 3 for each family and contribution.
Note: Within the Fund Maintenance, you can only see contributions made during the past 2 years. To see ALL historical contributions, you'll need to generate a Fund Raising Report.

Funds can also be entered in batches where you provide a total dollar amount and add contributions to each family that add up to the total dollar amount. To see how to Enter contributions in a batch (which can be cloned and used again) click this link

To see how to enter Loose Collection (cash collected at Mass anonymously) into Family Loose, Collection, Budget 99999 into Envelope Loose fund click here.  

Click below to open a basic document for entering a batch contribution.