Some tips and tricks on navigating thru the various searches and filters in Gabriel's Family Explorer are listed here. Many of these tips will work in Committee Explorer as well.
Using Family Explorer in GabrielSoft.
This brief tutorial will show the user how to how to use the Family Explorer functions to generate as list of families by status, registration date, and other options
Family Explorer:
1. When you first login to Gabriel your screen will automatically default to the Family Explorer page. The first column will show the Family name and be locked into this position.
From this screen you can choose which columns you prefer to see, in what order you want the columns to appear, the width of the column to view, save your personalized layout and, and filter the information in multiple ways.
To choose the columns click the three dots to the right of any column to get the drop down list of all columns
This list includes most of the fields associated with a Family – including the Administrative, Mailing address and Churches tabs.
To add or remove columns from you layout view simply click the field or unclick the field.
The columns include columns you can’t see in any of the tabs like a modified date and modified by which provides the last time someone modified a record in any of the Family screen or the administrative, mailing address or churches screens.
Try adding all the columns just to view or download an all-encompassing report to learn what values can be found in each column.
Some things you can do in Family Explorer that were limited or locked out of classic view.
You can search for duplicates by checking the columns for Church name, Church City, Church ID, is Registered, Registered Church ID, Modified date, Modified by.
Filter the Church ID "is not equal to" Church ID 0 (zero) to look across all parishes.
Where a family name appears more than once, you can compare the Church ID to the Registered Church ID to see where that family is Registered.
You can view the Family Status and compare it to your parish's Registered Y/N and Registered Church ID to make sure your Family Status is correct for the Registration type.
You can view the Modified Date and Modified By to compare last update to the Family Maintenance, Mailing Address, Administrative and Churches tabs.
You can identify Generations by checking the column for Generations. You could then filter by say "Gen Z" or "Boomers" and add those families to a family tag.
You can check "Has Envelopes" to generate a quick list of families who get Envelopes, and the check the "budget number" column to download a list for your supplier.