The document below offers general information on setting appropriate security levels for Gabriel users. Only a Church Administrator can set security levels. This 11 page document was created by Gabriel Support and uses scenarios for various positions. See the document at the bottom of the page.

Click here to view Gabriel's resource on security as well.

Approving a User’s Registration

1.  Once they have completed registration through the selecting of their diocese and parish, the user now needs to be approved by a parish administrator.  To see those users awaiting approval, you will use the Administrative drop down menu and select User Security as shown below.

Note: Only a user with Administrator Access can approve, assign, edit and delete users in their database.

2.  Once on the User Security screen you will see users awaiting approval appear at the top under New User Requests.  Click the Approve link next to their name or if this is not an authorized user you can select Reject. 

When you click Approve you will be brought into the user security profile where you will be able to assign access rights.  Depending on the user’s role you will want to assign appropriate access rights.  

Gabriel User Roles

There are two Gabriel user roles within each of the applications modules which include Families, Committees, Fund Raising (offertory), Religious Ed and Ministry Scheduling.  Within each module you can have users with a Manager role which allows them to perform any function within that module as well as access to the reporting functions.  If a user is assigned a Helper role some of the functionality is limited.  For example, a family helper can add new families and members but cannot delete family and member records. 

You can see these Gabriel User Roles are clearly shown in two columns on the security access screen shown below.  You will use a combination of these roles to properly assign rights to your users.  Please contact customer support if you need assistance assigning the appropriate access level.