Reports to Pull from Gabriel in Preparation of the Annual Parish Report
Reports can be found in the Report Library under the Reports menu.
For number of Registered Families (under the Families heading): Registered, Active Family. This will also report on other statuses. You can use this report to if you have families with statuses that should be corrected and identify any New Registers.
For Contributing Families (under the Families heading): Enter the dates of July 1, 2020, thru June 20, 2021
For Marriages (under the Sacraments heading), Choose Y, Registered Families, All Types, All statuses and date range of July 1, 2020, thru June 20, 2021. You choose all statuses as you would count all marriages performed in your parish that was sacramental (performed by a priest or deacon). You will count those where both are Catholic as Catholic Marriages, and those where either member is Non-Catholic as Interfaith Marriages.
For Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation (under the Sacraments heading). Watch for duplicates. You would count the sacrament if the Location is for your parish. Look for anyone over the age of 7 who had baptism, 1st Communion & Confirmation as they are the Adult Initiation members, and for anyone over the age of 7 who had 1st Communion & Confirmation as they are the Received into Full Communion (RCIA) Members.
For number of Deaths (under the Members heading):