Click on the full article below for the How to Guide on adding a Member to a Standard Committee.
Also attached below is an article on the simplest way to move members from one Committee to another (for example if you had created a Pastoral Council Church Committee and need to move them to the Standard Committee)
**This one-minute video demonstrates the process of adding a member to a committee.
Video: Adding a Member to a Committee.
**This short video shows how to move a member from one committee to another - i.e. Move a member from a Church Committee into the appropriate Standard Committee.
Video: Adding a Member to a Committee.
Although the video demonstrates the Church Committees, the same process applies to Standard Committees.
Standard Committees are those committees all parishes should have:
Pastoral Council,
Finance Council,
Parish Staff,
Executive Committee,
Parish Mission Planning.
If associated with a school; the committees would also include School Board and School Staff.
Standard Committees include these members (which should be selected from the drop down list):
Pastoral Council: Chair, Trustee Secretary, Pastor/Pastoral Leader, Recording Secretary, Members, Resource
Finance Council: Chair, Trustee Treasurer, Pastor/Pastoral Leader, Recording Secretary, Members, Resource
Executive Committee: Pastor/Pastoral Leader, 2 Trustees, 2 Council Chairs Parish Staff: (See the positions list in the committee)
Parish Planning Committee: Pastor/Pastoral Leader, Facilitator, Communications, Technical, Members
If your parish is associated with a school:
School Board: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Members
School Staff: (See the positions list in the committee)