Registered Family


A registered family is a family that has contacted the Parish through phone, mail, face to face, or online asking to be members of the Parish. 

To see where a family is registered, select the Churches tab. The church that has the blue dot in front of it is the church of Registry. If the blue dot is on Unregistered, this indicates the family is not currently registered with any parish.


The member status for each member in a family is determined by the Church of Registry. When pulling a family into your church, set the Family Status to indicate this family's relationship to your church, but do not change the member status if registered elsewhere.

If a family requests to be registered at your parish, it is a recommended to let the previous parish know of this change in Parish of Registry (by email or phone call). Parish contact information can be found on the diocesan website under "Find a Parish" and then searching by city or zip code. 

It can also be notated in the Notes section on the Family Maintenance page with a date & your initials.

Registered families are counted for purposes of parish/diocesan reporting. A Registered Family should ideally be Registered with a Family Status of Active.

(updated 9/28/22 Patty Young)