Member Status

Member Statuses – These only apply to the member (each person) only on the Parish roster.  Status of the member at the parish they are registered with. The parish where the family is registered controls what each member's status should be. This member status will appear the same for all parishes that the family is associated with. Thus if a family becomes inactive at your parish, but the family is associated with other parishes, you should only make the family status inactive - not each member.

Active – A member that participates with their registered parish through mass attendance, contributions, religious education, school attendance, and/or ministries of the Parish. 

Deceased – A member who has died. You would also update the miscellaneous info and add a deceased date.

Home Bound – A member who is either Home Bound or in a Nursing Home. They are still receiving services from the ministries of the Parish. If the member is in a nursing home, please add this person to the Nursing Home Committee for your Pastoral Minister for potential home visits.

Inactive – A member you have tried to reach several times with no response. Phone calls and mailings go unanswered. The member has told you they wish not to participate at your parish any longer. They are not active participants in the mass, RE, School, or ministries of the Parish.


  • ***Warning! Marking a Member Inactive will remove them from any committees in all Parishes they are working with!  
  • ***Making a Member Inactive will make them Inactive at all Parishes they are working with!
  • ***Making a Family Inactive will make all the Members Inactive if you are the only parish the family is associated with.

Seasonal - A member that participates with their registered parish through mass attendance, contributions, etc on a seasonal or vacation basis. 

*** The parish where the family is registered controls what each member's status should be.